A pilot study of cognitive training in clinical high risk for psychosis: Initial evidence of cognitive benefit.


Laura Tully, Hooker, Christine I. , Carol, Emily E. , Eisenstein, T. J. , Yin, Hong , Lincoln, Sarah Hope , Tully, Laura M. , Dodell-Feder, David , Nahum, Mor , Keshavan, Matcheri S. , and Seidman, Larry J. . 2014. “A Pilot Study Of Cognitive Training In Clinical High Risk For Psychosis: Initial Evidence Of Cognitive Benefit.”. Schizophrenia Research, 157, 1-3, Pp. 314 - 316. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edswsc&AN=000341314100050&lang=he&site=eds-live. Publisher's Version
Last updated on 03/27/2018